The VQHA Horseback Riding Program is designed to reward Virginia Quarter Horse Association, Virginia Amateur Quarter Horse Association and Virginia Quarter Horse Youth Association members. In our awards for hour’s program you can earn awards for the hours you have ridden either your American Quarter Horse or other breed horse. This is a unique opportunity to earn awards outside of traditional competitions and is available to VQHA, VAQHA and VQHYA members. If you are not a member you only need to join VQHA. Sign Up online below.
These awards will be awarded once a year at the VQHA Annual Awards Banquet. The following rules are in effect for the year 2015. The program is divided into divisions for Youth, Amateurs, and Open. The Open division is aimed at the professional or anyone who does not have an amateur membership. See AQHA rules for definition of an amateur. Remember you need to be a member of VQHA to qualify.
It’s simple:
- VQHA, VAQHA and VQHYA members may enroll in either the American Quarter Horse or the All-Breeds divisions and specify which sub-division they wish to enroll in. You may enroll in both Divisions (American Quarter Horse and All-Breed) with separate enrollment fees.
- Pay yearly fee of $30.00 for Open and Amateur and $25.00 for Youth.
- Log your hours in the saddle or driving your horse(s) from Dec. 1, 2014 to Nov. 30, 2015.
- Return log sheets to the Recreational Advisor with postmark before Dec.. 5, 2015.
- Earn great awards to be given at the Annual VQHA Awards Banquet.