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KC Meadows
The Virginia Quarter Horse Association (VQHA):
- Is the official Virginia affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association.
- Boasts one of the largest Breeder Incentive Programs in the country.
- Sponsors horse shows.
- Sponsors Breeders’, Open and NSBA Futurities.
- Sends a youth team to the Youth World Championship Show, Regional Experience and the All-American Quarter Horse Congress.
- Selects a VQHA Queen to compete in the All-American Quarter Horse Queen Contest.
- Sponsors an AQHA Trail Ride.
- Sponsors AQHA All-Novice Shows.
- Provides an Open Show Program with year end awards and recognition.
- Provides funding for clinics in which amateurs and youth can improve their horsemanship skills.
- Donates funds to the American Quarter Horse Foundation for Youth Scholarships.