VQHA is run by volunteers and depends largely on donations to operate, especially when we can not hold horse shows! Truth be told, WE HAVE THE BEST MEMBERS and we want to continue to make our association even better FOR YOU! We can’t continue to satisfy our mission with out your help however. To help financially secure the future of VQHA we have to hold fundraisers and this is where you come in!
Our latest fundraiser is a raffle and may be the best we have had in recent years; we are asking your help by both your purchase AND by sharing! We are limiting our ticket sales to 500 and have 5 amazing prizes to offer! You do NOT have to be a horse person to benefit from most of our amazing prizes so you can share to ANYONE! What a great time to go meet those neighbors you don’t know
Here is our amazing prize list!
- 1st- a 16″ training saddle by CP Custom Saddles valued at $2,000!
- 2nd- an IcyBreeze portable air conditioner and cooler WITH battery and charger!
- 3rd- $300 cash/gift card
- 4th- $200 cash/gift card
- 5th- $100 cash/gift card
The drawing with be on 11/7/2021 at the Jack-O’-Lantern Classic, but you do NOT need to be present to win! The saddle can be picked up by the winner for free at the show or at CP Custom saddles. The cash/gift cards and IcyBreeze will ship directly to the winner once that person has been determined!
Tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100! (the free entry will be emailed to you separately once you buy 4 tickets) and entering is EASY! Just follow this link
Click here to purchase your raffle tickets!